From a Western perspective Acupuncture treats the behaviours of the body when they are out of balance, the needling creates a cascade of signalling throughout the connective tissue and fascia involving the blood. Therefore, Acupuncture increases circulation to all the body systems, it promotes self-healing and improves the Immune Function of the body. Thereby, helping to prevent colds, flus and other pathologies.
Acupuncture is excellent for Fertility and can increase your chances for a healthy pregnancy, either naturally or assisted by 60%, as stated by the World Health Organization.
From an Eastern perspective the theory behind Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, is that our energy, called Qi, travels around the body in meridians or channels. When the flow of this Qi is imbalanced Illness ensues.
Acupuncture, which is an independent system of medicine, it is a component of TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Fine needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points, in different parts of the body, to correct the flow of Qi.
There are 100’s of conditions, recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) where acupuncture can be used.
Such as;
Migraine or other Varying Headaches
Digestive Issues such as IBS, Acid Reflux or Heartburn
Back Issues & Sciatica and other body injuries
Frozen Shoulder
Fertility & PMT
Allow 1hr for Subsequent Treatments
Preparation for Acupuncture Treatment
Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. While acupuncture points are located everywhere on the body, the most commonly used points are located between the elbow and wrists and between the knees and ankles.
During your acupuncture appointment
Your treatment will involve the gentle insertion of hair-thin Sterilized needles to balance your body’s vital energy Qi. Most people will find an acupuncture treatment relaxing and pain free with an awareness of sensation of movement internally. The treatment may also involve the use of Moxibustion (the burning of a medicinal herb near the skin). The heated Moxa is used to stimulate circulation and break up congestion or stagnation of blood and Qi. Gentle electrical stimulation (Electro-Acupuncture) can also be used with the needles, it is used appropriately for muscle and nerve stimulation, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sciatica or Frozen shoulder. Cupping is also be used during an Acupuncture treatment.
You will then generally be left to relax with soothing music the needles are left in your body for 29 minutes.
It is very Rare to have a reaction from Acupuncture, if you do get a reaction, it is usually something that will pass within 24 hours. Typically most clients leave already feeling somewhat better and relaxed. With most illnesses the pathogen has to be released before healing takes place, Acupuncture can help to speed up recovery. Acupuncture boosts the immunity and can help to prevent disease.
I studied for 3 years with renowned Doctor and Public Health Officer Dr. Vincent Carroll in the Lansdowne College of Acupuncture. Doctor Carroll thought it important to ensure we had the basic understanding of general pathology and helped us to understand general Clinical Medicine or Western Medicine terms alongside Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture beautifully complements Western Medicine.