Register your Interest for our Accredited Reiki Courses
Submit your details using the form below to register your interest in our Accredited Reiki Course and one of our therapists will be in touch within 48 hours
Why should I do a Reiki workshop?
Reiki is a deeply relaxing healing technique based on the principle that you can channel energy to activate the natural healing process, restoring physical and emotional well-being. Reiki is a therapy completely based on energy and relaxation. The different levels help give you the tools for managing stress and learning how to relax easier, both personally or to share with family and friends or by practising it professionally.
Reiki Level 1 gives you the tools for Individual stress relief, becoming more aware of everything around you and when completed, affords you to be able to attend any Reiki Share in the country.
Reiki Level 2 goes deeper helping you to heal mentally and emotionally.
Practitioner Level is appropriate if you decide to do Reiki professionally and Reiki 3, is a spiritual level or master Level, allowing you to share the different levels with others.

Next Workshop Date: TBC
Level 2 Reiki Workshop is known as the mental & emotional level. It helps us to be in harmony with our inner thoughts, beliefs and emotions, becoming more in-tune with our intuition.
What the Course will Cover:
- Learning Distant Healing
- Clearing old patterns, thoughts and beliefs.
- Learning the Reiki Symbols, Peace, Grounding, Release, Love and Truth.
- Linking the Physical level of Attunement from level 1, with the Emotional and Mental levels of Reiki Healing.
- Revise and expand on your knowledge of the chakras and the links between them.
- Practising Reiki professionally, as-well as personally, with an emphasis on practical learning so you can get more ‘hands on’ Reiki experience, practising on family and friends. e.g. Malpractice insurance, client questionnaire etc
- What to do before and after working on a client or friend/family – clearing a room and yourself, groundings, protection etc.
Requirements to Attend:
In order to attend the Level 2 Reiki Workshop you will need to have completed Reiki level 1 (with myself or another teacher) It is a requirement to bring with you, your Reiki 1 Certificate and Manual.
A minimum of 14 hrs supervised training by the Reiki Teacher is necessary for this level, plus a minimum of 10 hours practical using Level 2. (Self-healing, treating family and friends, distant-healing, Reiki share or any other practical experience at the discretion of the Reiki teacher.)
What you will leave with:
You will leave with an Accredited Certificate recognised by the
Reiki Federation and a Manual for each level workshop.
A Reiki share will be organised for 3 weeks after the weekend, to answer any questions, revise techniques and to give and receive a Reiki treatment. A minimum of 3 months before Reiki Master Level 3 Attunement can be received.
Our next Level 2 Reiki Workshop dates to be confirmed
Fill in the form below to and one of our therapists will be in touch within 48 hours with further details.
Other Reiki Courses and Workshops
Next Workshop Date: TBC
First degree Reiki is known as the Physical Level, bringing us into harmony with the physical body, our environment, people and animals.
Once you have completed the Reiki Level 1 workshop, you will be permanently attuned and connected to the Reiki source of universal life energy which is in every atom of the universe and you will be entitled to attend any Reiki Share nationwide.
Requirements to attend:
As this is the beginners level, there are no requirements just a keen interest to learn about Reiki is required.
Visit our Reiki Level 1 Workshop page for more information >
Next Workshop Date: TBC
This Reiki Workshop at Advanced Practitioner Level Training is a wonderful continuation of the Reiki journey. It more than meets all the requirements of Reiki Healing Training, as outlined in the Reiki Federation of Ireland guidelines.
If you are serious about opening your own Reiki Healing Practise then this Reiki Workshop is for you. Learn best Business Practise for advertising your business, get great marketing tips. Ensure you and your website are listed as a recognised Reiki Practitioner in your area.
Requirements to attend:
In order to attend the Advanced Practitioner Level Reiki Workshop you will need to have completed Reiki level 1 and Reiki level 2 (with myself or another teacher) It is a requirement to bring with you, your Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 Certificate and Manual.
Visit our Reiki Practitioner Level Workshop page for more information >
Next Workshop Date: TBC
The Master Level 3 Reiki workshop is known as the Spiritual Level, linking the Physical, Mental, Emotional layers with the Spiritual level, Body, Mind and Spirit. The Masteries we talk about are Love, Wisdom, Forgiveness, Compassion and Acceptance. It relates to Self-Mastery.
Requirements to attend:
You will need to have completed Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 Workshops, we request you bring your Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 Manuals and Certificates if not levels not completed with Alternative Healing.
Visit our Reiki 3 Master Level Workshop page for more information >