Created by Ziggie Bergman, a pioneer in modern Face Reflexology, The Bergman Method combines native American technique and Asian body mapping to get the same benefits as foot Reflexology and Acupuncture. As for foot Reflexology, reflex points on the face correspond to the body parts, glands and organs on the body. Not only does Face Reflexology supports your health and well-being but it also makes you look better and younger leaving you with a healthy glow. The face feels and looks smoother and tones as you increase the circulation to help release muscle tension and encouraging lymphatic drainage. Working facial reflex points helps connect the body’s neuro-pathways to rebalance and reenergise the body and mind. It is a workout of the body on the face, not only are you getting a brighter, clearer, younger complexion, by you are also having a full body treatment. Many of my clients have experienced a reduction in Acne issues also. Some of my clients also use this beautiful treatment to extend their botox treatments for a bit longer, post 6 weeks of their botox treatments.

How it works

As we get older and as the natural ageing process kicks in, the skin becomes thinner and begins to sag as it loses elasticity. Lines and wrinkles become permanent features of our skin from years of habitual expressions of the facial muscles and external ageing factors (such as excessive sun exposure) speed up the process. Restrictions in the tissues are the primary causes of lines, creases and sagging skin.


During a natural rejuvenation reflexology massage with acupuncture pen is a specific massage movements are used to tone, lift, lengthen and relax the muscles and constrictions within them are freed increasing their mobility. Constrictions in the collagen and elastin fibres of the dermis are also released encouraging extensibility, elasticity and suppleness of the skin. The strokes also work on the epidermis to aid in the shedding of dead skin cells to give a more even skin tone. The blood and lymphatic systems are also stimulated bringing about a better supply of nutrients to the skin’s cells and a more efficient removal of toxins and excess fluid from beneath the skin, which reduces puffiness and lifts the appearance of tired, dull, grey skin.

A natural rejuvenation reflexology massage combined with acupuncture pen is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that leaves you with softer, brighter, younger looking skin with the additional benefit of having a deeply relaxing effect on the entire body. The results are accomplished through a combination of energy balancing techniques, various massage techniques and the stimulation of acupressure points.


  • Stress relief
  • It gives a natural botox effect
  • Improves skin tone
  • Promotes Youthful complexion
  • Improve blood circulation and exchange oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide and waste products
  • Improve lymphatic drainage with help with detoxification and waste removal
  • Relieve tension in the muscle tissue
  • Relieve mental strain and improve concentration
  • Relieve sinusitis and congestion
  • Better skin appearance, tonicity, resulting in clear,  glowing skin
  • Brings calmness and relaxation
  • Improves digestion
  • Brings balance from inside out
  • Encourage healing process
  • Plumping of existing collagen

What to expect?

After lying comfortably on a massage table, the face is gently cleansed using hypo-allergenic natural oils, to remove any excess oil and/or make-up (not on the eyes), followed by applying some aromatic oils such as, frankincense or rose oil that provide an anti-aging benefit to the skin. Unscented organic oil can also be used for more sensitive skin. The face is then cupped to lift up lymph a system which works alongside the circulatory system to remove micro-organisms and toxins.  Then, a gentle massage and pressure on some reflex points will be applied to bring the body into balance and help detoxify the skin. Then an Acupuncture pen is used to stimulate all facial muscles and nerves. Following this to remove any further toxins, a Jade roller is used, further encouraging clear and glowing skin. Several sessions are advised as the effect of facial Reflexology are cumulative.

General Recommendations

Drinking plenty of  water pre and post treatment, to detoxify and help with healing process, hydrating will prolong the treatment further,avoiding alcohol, coffee, tea for 24 hours to give the body time to readjust itself and clear any residual toxins.